Bring your old newspapers, glass/plastic bottles, metal cans/ old clothing or drink cartons for Food items!!!
Venue: Siglap East RC (Blk 167 Bedok South Ave 3)
Time: 11.30am to 1.30pm
Date: Every third Saturday of the Month
: 17 October 2009, 21 November 2009 & 19 December 2009
What can you exchange your recyclables for?
Every 5kg = 1 can of sardines/1 cup of noodles
Every 10kg = 1 packet of Bee Hoon
Every 20kg = 1 packet of Rice / 1 box of biscuit
Limited Food Items to be given away! While Stocks Last!
For further enquiries, please contact:
Altvater Jakob Pte Ltd, 17 Tuas Avenue 12 S(639037)
Tel: 68653140, Website:, Email:
Recycling initiative by Altvater Jakob Pte Ltd with the support from: